Leaving the save harbor

by Acrodicted Posted on Jun 30, 2016

Whoop whoop, today was my last day at work! Short story, I quit my job, sublet up my apartment, sold and gave away most of my stuff and tomorrow my Europe summer-trip starts (Germany, France, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Austria). But that’s not everything: on 12th September I will head to Bangkok. Exploring South East Asia will be obligatory and for the next steps of this journey I have only blurred visions! The idea still feels a bit weird but I'll be on the road for the next year! Backpacking, exploring, relaxing, doing acrobatics and handstands wherever I can and working on a database featuring acrobatic poses, transitions and sequences. The database will be designed to work as a notebook, digital memory and a helpful tool to learn new acrobatic skills. Users will be able to get random sequences for their training based on filters like level, base position and multiple tags.

What is acrodicted?

It's a online resource for acrobatics and an digital memory that allows you to remember the keypoints that helped to master a trick!
These keypoints and experiences can also help other acrobats to get better.